Native Specifications
Display / Video / Audio
Social & Native
Stock Extend
- Headline: Max 50 Characters
- Ad Text: Max 150 Characters
- Advertiser Name: Max 30 Characters
- Click through URL: Please include UTM tracker.
- CTA Button: Choose from a selection on our MI Sheet. (Add Link)
- Large Image: PNG, JPG or GIF.1200 x 627 pixels (1.91:1 ratio), 2MB
- Basic Image: PNG, JPG or GIF, 627 x 627 pixels (1:1 ratio), 2MB
- Image must be appropriate to the product or service advertised
- Image must not have more than 20% text
- Image cannot be of poor quality, sexually suggestive or misleading
- Advertisement must relate to or match the landing page
- Company name must be reflected in the landing page and the URL
We Recommend
Images that fit the lifestyle look and feel tend to perform much better (not brands/logos)
Copy with a soft call to action to blend in seamlessly with the nature of the surrounding environment (usually editorial pages)